Elections Held For Governing Council of Indian Printing Packaging & Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association


The elections for the Governing Council of Indian Printing Packaging & Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (IPAMA), for the term 2019-21, were concluded on 16th October 2019 at 6:00 pm. The ballot papers were opened at 11.30 am on 17th October 2019 in the presence of the election officer, staff, contestants, and or their authorised representatives. After counting the ballots, the following candidates were declared as winners by Mr. R.K. Verma, Election Officer: – 1. Mr. Adithya Gupta 2. Mr. D.H. Deshpande 3. Mr. D.K. Garg 4. Mr. Dharmesh Arora 5. Mr. Harish Bansal 6. Mr. Jaiveer Singh 7. Mr. Mahesh Tanwar 8. Mr. Manish A. Panchal 9. Mr. Nitin Garg 10.Mr. P.K. Bhalla 11.Mr. R. Suresh Kumar 12.Mr. Rakesh K. Sodhi 13.Mr. Ravinder Singh 14.Mr. S. Rajaram 15.Mr. Satish Kaushik 16.Mr. T.D. Raghani 17.Mr. T.R. Mahajan 18.Mr. Vinay Kumar Gupta 19.Mr. Ashok Kumar Seth – Co-opted 20.Mr. Gagan Singh – Co-opted 21.Mr. B.S. Rawat

Co-opted During the meeting of the Governing Council held today, the consensus of the House was that the President, General Secretary and Treasurer have done an excellent job, therefore election for those post need not be resorted to. Therefore, unanimously the names of Mr. S. Dayaker Reddy for President, Mr. Iqbal Singh for Honorary General Secretary and Mr. Dharam Pal Rawat as Treasurer, were proposed and approved by the house. Thereafter, the following officer bearers were elected as the new office bearers of IPAMA: 1. Mr. S. Dayaker Reddy = President 2. Mr. Iqbal Singh, = General Secretary 3. Mr. Dharam Pal Rawat = Treasurer 4. Mr. Vinay Kumar Gupta = Vice President (North) 5. Mr. P.K. Bhalla = Vice President (West) 6. Mr. Jaiveer Singh = Vice President (East) 7. Mr. R. Suresh Kumar = Vice President (South) 8. Mr. Rakesh K. Sodhi = Joint Secretary (East) 9. Mr. Satish Kaushik = Joint Secretary (West) 10.Mr. Dharmesh Arora = Joint Secretary (North) 11.Mr. Harish Bansal = Joint Secretary (South)

The new office bearers expressed their commitment to work as a team for the betterment of the Indian Graphic Arts Industry so that it can compete with the best machinery and equipment available in the global market. They also expressed their commitment to work in close coordination with each other for the growth of the Indian Graphic Arts Industry. The following points were discussed: – 1. Development of Indian printing, packaging and allied machinery manufacturers. 2. To provide and or arrange facilities to Indian manufacturers for participation in overseas exhibitions, conferences etc. 3. To provide necessary assistance to IPAMA Members for developing latest technology and encourage them to manufacture machinery and other equipment to meet international standards as also for effective competition with foreign manufacturers. 4. To increase financial assistance to Indian machine manufacturer for participation in Indian and foreign exhibitions, conferences etc. 5. To work towards formation of Federation of Indian Graphic Arts Industry so that its voice could be raised at appropriate platforms more forcefully and emphatically. IPAMA has already completed most of the preliminary formalities, including drafting of Memorandum and Articles of Association. Some of the Associations have also given their consent to be Members of the Federation. 6. To involve maximum number of printing and packaging machinery manufacturers and enrol them as IPAMA Members. 7. To keep transparency and co-ordination between IPAMA Members, GC Members, Office Bearers and all other concerned agencies in day-to-day functioning of the Association, including formulation of new policies and implementation for achieving long term goals. 8. To keep aims and objectives of the Association in view for long term planning and implementation relating to promotion of its Members.