Employment Generation, Industrial Growth And Ease Of Living Accelerates Ease Of Doing Business In India: PHD Chamber


Fundamentals of our economy are strong and progressing in tandem with the goal to achieve USD 5 Trillion economy by 2024-25 said Dr D K Aggarwal, Sr. Vice President, PHDCCI in the conference on Labour Law Reforms – Accelerating Ease of Doing Business organized on 18th September, 2019 at PHD House, New Delhi. Taking advantage of the demographic dividend and enhancing employment opportunities, flexibility in labour laws will be an imperative to further growth. Appreciating Rajasthan’s successful introduction of labour reforms in 2014, Dr Aggarwal suggested that other states should replicate Rajasthan model to enhance productivity, efficiency and build conducive business environment. Transparent and efficient labour inspection digitalization and technology should be introduced, said Dr D K Aggarwal. Shri HeeralalSamariya, Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India said that employers should treat workers as a part of family. Good practices that sustain harmonious Industrial Relations should be part of labour laws. Government of India has simplified many labour laws by bringing 44 laws under the ambit of four codes said Shri Heeralal Samariya. Adding that his Ministry is working towards uniform definition of all codes and removing all ambiguities he asked PHD Chamber to come up with effective industry representations on the three labour codes that are in pipeline. This will help in making amendments that can be made which is beneficial for both, employees and employers, said Shri HeeralalSamariya. Mr Ravi Wig, Chairman, HR & IR Committee, PHDCCI deliberated that the existence of factories and workers are interdependent and complementing each other. He said that IR should be viewed in context of Udyog Parivar. He further added that construction sector is an informal sector with high rate of migratory workers. The provident fund contribution of the workers should be deducted from the Construction Workers’ Cess which is lying in tune to Rs 27,000 cr with the EPF. Mr Sanjay Bhatia, Former President. PHDCCI emphasized that there should be flexibility in labour laws. The definitions of wages, employer, employee, establishment, etc. should be unambiguous. Barriers that work against the competitive spirit of entrepreneurship should be removed. Dr Lalit Bhasin, President, Society of Indian Law Firms & Managing Partner, Bhasin& Co. said that the word Employer and Employee are the integral part of same process having many common letters in their words too. He said that there are several overlapping laws which should be simplified so that there is speedy and expeditious disposal of labour-related matters.