Association of Dental Industry and Trade of India – Working for the growth of Dentists community in India


During the year 1975-1976, Delhi Sales Tax Laws were changing. ST 1 Forms were being introduced. Delhi Dental Dealers were given an option of charging about 15% – 16% as Sales Tax or instead sell goods against ST-1 Forms. To counter such problems a Delhi Dental Dealers Association was formed with Mr.Mushtaq Ahmed of M/s National Dental being the President, Mr.Phool Chand Mathur of M/s K.S.Mathur & Company as Vice President, Mr.S.D. Mathur of M/s Prem Behari & Company as Hony Secretary and Mr. Tilak Raj Seth of M/s Seth International as the Treasurer. Business followed with not much problems being faced by any one. About 7-8 years later, a Bombay Dental Dealers Association was also formed with Mr. Nitin Patel, Mr. Vinod Bawal, Mr. Abdul Sattat and Mr. Jehangir forming this association. Meanwhile, many representation were sent y the Delhi Dental Dealers Associations to the Local Government to come with a better sales tax scheme for the dealers. Soon the Sales Tax was revised to 8%. There were not much activities in the Delhi Dental Association or by the Bombay Dental Dealers Associations but just normal social activities like making a list of holidays to be observed by the Association and small social gatherings.

Elections were held for the National Level wher Dr.J.L. Sethi was declared as the Chairman, Mr. S.D. Mathur as the Hony Secretary while Mr. R.D. Mathur and oter senior member helped with the process. At the same venue, Dr. Vidya Sagar was declared the Zonal President and Mr. Rajinder Mathur the North Zone Secretary. In January 1989 IDA organized an Expo in Pune. Members decided at this venue to merge the Bombay Dental Traders Association with ADITI and make it a complete National Level Association. This is where the Constitution of this Association was also formed. Elections were held during this IDA Conference with Mr. R.D. Mathur and Mr. Vadhera fighting elections for the National President and Mr. Viraf Doctor & Dr. B.S. Shetty fighting it out for the post of National Secretary. After the elections result was declared with Mr. R.D. Mathur Becoming the first President of ADITI National and Mr. Viraf Doctor becoming the first National Secretary of ADITI, Mr. S.D. Aggarwal becoming the first Treasurer at the National Level.

Message From The President :  Dr. B. S.Shetty

The genesis of ADITI can be traced back to the vision of a group of dental professionals who envisioned a fresh and dynamic environment in India’s dental scenario, in line with the global trends where trade barriers are no longer extant and where science and technology rules the roost. A forum like ADITI where manufacturers, traders, importers and all others connected with the dental trade fulfilled a vital gap in the link between dental practitioners, academia, manufacturers and traders, apart from giving voice to the aspirations of all in representations and discussions with the Government.

With modest beginnings nearly two decades ago, ADITI has made rapid strides in establishing itself as a respected, responsible and dependable body. Of course, this growth has had its share of troubles and heartburns, but it has triumphantly overcome all obstacles to stand today as a premier body of dental trade professionals. I, as President, along with the managing committee members have formulated a mission of

  • Bringing the best of dental technology to India.
  • Making available world class dental equipments to dental professionals at affordable prices.
  • Conducting expos and exhibitions all over India to acquaint dental professionals with current global trends.
  • Providing a platform for dental professionals to air their opinions, suggestions and grievances and trying to provide acceptable solutions.


 Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India
 20th, 21st & 22nd December 2019
 Hall No : 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 12A

  • More than 1100 Booths
  • Seven Halls Committed for Dentistry
  • More than 25,000 Delegates Expected
  • Free shuttle service available
  • Mobile ATM VAN
  • Food Court