Indian Stainless Steel Development Association (ISSDA) has completed 30 years in the service of stainless steel industry. To commorate the occasion, a conference was  organised on 18th November 2019 at New Delhi.

ISSDA was formed in 1989 by leading stainless steel producers, with the explicit objective of diversifying the applications of stainless steel in India and increasing its usage in the country. Stainless Steel is now a material of choice for Railway coaches & wagons, Process Industry, Architecture, Building & Construction, besides traditional uses in kitchenware and home appliances.

India has now emerged as second largest producer of stainless steel in the world as a result of the industry efforts. India is also the second largest consumer and fastest growing stainless steel market in the world. The consumption of stainless steel in India has grown many times from just 0.2 MT in 1989 to 3.2 MT in 2018-19. Stainless Steel consumption is expected to grow in India @ 8-9 % over the next decade.

The programme aims to bring together Stainless Steel producers, consumers and international experts to deliberate on the next growth cycle of stainless steel in India, its opportunities and challenges. It will give opportunity to all the stake holders to chart the road map for next 30 years, when India is likely to emerge as third largest economy in the world. The conference  also is a platform to showcase its value preposition in terms of sustainability, low life cycle cost and structural safety.