20th Annual Chef Awards by Indian Culinary Forum


The 20th Annual Chef Awards, organised by the Indian Culinary Forum (ICF), to recognize and honour exceptional culinary talent as part of the International Chefs Day festivities. The event held at Hotel Ashok in New Delhi, bringing together experts from the hospitality industry. The award recipients were honoured by the evening’s chief guest, Priya Paul, Chairperson of Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels.

The ICF’s Annual Chef Awards acknowledges invaluable contributions of culinary artists to the hospitality sector. Chef Shaju Zacharia was honoured with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award. The Golden Hat Award was awarded Chef Rajiv Malhotra, while Chef Vaibhav Bhargava received the Silver Hat Award. The academic achievements were acknowledged as Chef Balendra was crowned Pastry Chef of the Year (Academic) and Chef Divya Bose claimed the title of Lady Chef of the Year (Academic). 

Chef Davinder Kumar, President of the Indian Culinary Forum said, “Today, we are commemorating 20 years of the Chef Awards in India. We are genuinely delighted to offer these talented chefs an opportunity to shine and enhance their passion for cooking. Our mission is to continue inspiring chefs for many more years to come. These awards go beyond mere praise for chefs; they are about nurturing their growth and enhancing Indian cuisine’s worldwide appeal.”