CII Session on “Environment Health and Safety at Workplace” Noida on 2 November 2023


CII is organizing a Session on Environment Health and Safety at Workplace: Exploring key safety protocols and best practices on 1000 -1200 Hrs on Thursday, 2 November 2023 over Virtual Platform.

With rapid modernization and automation in the highly competitive business environment, there is a growing need to review and improve the practices and policies regarding Safety, Health and Environment. Commitment of an enterprise towards environmental protection is one of the measures of its success and determining its very sustainability.
Safety is not a requirement but a necessity, and hence the system needs to focus on incident reduction, improving the safety culture, and managing risks to workers’ health & safety.

The programme is designed to provide a holistic overview explaining the causative factors which lead to incidents, what preventive actions are required, and how to build a strong and sustainable safety culture in an Organisation.

Key topics of the session are Safety-related Preventive Actions, building a strong and sustainable safety culture, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, Accident Investigation and Case study presentations.